Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Welcome to TECH-FORUM

Dear Colleagues:

I am delighted to add my words of welcome to Calvin's announcement.  After a lot of work on his part and quite a few emails exchanged over the months, we are now ready to launch this blog.

Well, almost...

The main point of the blog is to serve as a vehicle for communications.  Right now, anyone can post a comment.  Soon, however, we hope that many blog readers become TECH-FORUM members, meaning that they'll have the ability to post their own content to the blog.

We'll also be tweaking it behind the scenes, making it more social-media friendly, inter-connection it with our Facebook page, and providing a way for you to forward new content directly to your email or reader.  More on that soon.

For now, welcome.  The time has definitely come for some serious, engaged conversation about the impact of technology on humanity. 

Ron Cole-Turner

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