Monday, April 13, 2015

TECH-FORUM Launched!

TECH-FORUM (Technology, Enhancement, and Christianity Forum) is here and now officially launched.

We who launch this platform generally agree on this description: TECH-FORUM is a forum for discussion of all points of view on Christianity and the use of technology for human enhancement.

While we expect and hope for thoughtful, engaging conversation, at present there is no monitoring of the posts.

Brief History:  In the beginning, growing interest in a forum for thoughtful conversation about Christianity and human enhancement led to the first organizational meeting in a Chicago hotel room, where on November 18, 2012, in conjunction with the annual meeting of the American Academy of Religion (AAR), the idea that has become TECH-FORUM was born. The first, tentative name was “Christianity and Human Enhancement Forum” (CHEF).

Calvin Mercer had names and email contact information of about 400 people--scholars and laypersons--with general interest in religion and human enhancement that he had collected over the years and used for occasional “postings.” It was Mercer’s communication to that list that drew specific interest in an organizational meeting from 35 people, nine of whom were able to attend the first meeting.

A second organizational meeting was held November 25, 2013, in Baltimore, also in conjunction with the AAR annual meeting. Due the meeting notice being sent out late, only two people attended. However, email correspondence with Mercer from about 50 people indicated interest was still strong for organizing.

A third organizational meeting was held November 23, 2014, in San Diego, also during the AAR annual meeting, and specific plans for creating a forum platform were laid.  Seventy-one people expressed interest and six of them were able to attend the meeting:  Ron Cole-Turner, Matthew Zaro Fisher, Noreen Herzfeld, Calvin Mercer, Ted Peters, and Tracy Trothen.

As TECH-FORUM goes live, thanks to all who attended organizational meetings and provided input via Mercer’s email list. Particular thanks go to Matthew Zaro Fisher and Ron Cole-Turner for preparing the technological platform.

Calvin Mercer

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