Saturday, April 18, 2015

Transhumanism and Theology: Recommended Journal

The journal Theology and Science has just published its May 2015 on the theme of Transhumanism and Theology.  Six articles are included, along with an introductory essay by Ted Peters entitled "Theologians Testing Transhumanism."

Calvin Mercer contributed "Whole Brain Emulation Requires Enhanced Theology, and a 'Handmaiden,'"  and my own entry to the list is entitled "Going Beyond the Human: Christians and Other Transhumanists."
Other contributors include Nelson Kellogg, Brian Patrick Green, Lincoln Cannon, and Michael LaTorra.

Theology and Science is published by the journal editor, Taylor and Francis, on behalf of the Center for Theology and the Natural Sciences.  If you are a member of CTNS (a great idea!), you have free access.  Or if you have university library access, you can probably see these articles that way.

All might be able to use the 14-day free access button that Taylor and Francis provides on the right side of their web page.

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